In the face of climate change, we are

Undaunted is a hub for the UK’s climate innovation community, creating new routes into green entrepreneurship and supporting the acceleration of startups and SMEs tackling climate change.

The challenge is huge, but we are Undaunted

Time is running out to halt the climate crisis, and our window of opportunity to create a greener, more sustainable future is closing fast. We need practical solutions on a scale never achieved before. Innovation is crucial.

Undaunted – a partnership between Imperial College London and the Royal Institution – is fostering a thriving innovation ecosystem that aims to make London and the UK a great place to start and scale intelligent, sustainable solutions to the climate challenge at pace.

We envision a world with a healthy, global climate innovation ecosystem, where diverse innovators leading businesses of all sizes can deliver significant emissions reductions and climate resilience sustainably and at scale.

Unimaginable Unprecedented Undaunted

Our alumni will have real-world impact

We build a bridge from the experimentation and discovery stage of climate technology, nurturing innovation until it is ready to be scaled up. Our activities – including our flagship Greenhouse climate accelerator programme – stimulate the commercial sector to follow and develop a wider ecosystem where green solutions can flourish. We are creating the blueprint for a successful climate innovation ecosystem.

Undaunted in numbers


The survival rate of Undaunted startups is 88 per cent, compared to the industry average of 10 per cent. 5 per cent of these companies have exited through acquisition.


165 startups have taken part in Undaunted’s accelerator, now known as The Greenhouse


Undaunted alumni have gone on to raise over $1bn investment since 2012


They operate across 30 countries worldwide, and have created over 1,600 jobs. As of September 2024 the total number of employees stands at 1,617

Impact forecast of Undaunted alumni by 2030

29 million

29 million tonnes of cumulative carbon dioxide equivalent forecast to be saved by 2030. This equates to 7% of the UK’s annual greenhouse gas emissions

76 million

76 million tonnes cumulative waste forecast to be avoided by 2030 across the Undaunted startup portfolio. This is equivalent to a third of the UK’s annual waste

7.4 million

7.4 million litres total fresh water to be saved by 2030, equivalent to the annual consumption of 75 thousand UK households


Climate Liability on Trial: Lessons from Luciano Lliuya v RWE

Event date - March 25, 2025

Join us on Tuesday, 25 March 2025 at 6 p.m. at the London School of Economics (LSE) for a hybrid panel discussion on the landmark climate litigation case, Luciano Lliuya v RWE Read more

Shaping the School of Sustainability – Ideation Workshop (South Kensington)

Event date - April 3, 2025

We invite all Imperial staff to join us for a collaborative and interactive workshop aimed at shaping the future of the School of Sustainability. This workshop will bring together ideas from across the university to define key research themes ... Read more

Professor David Edwards: Global warming risks dehydrating and inflaming human airways

Event date - April 3, 2025

Professor David Edwards from Harvard John A Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and John Hopkins Medical School will give a talk on Global warming risks dehydrating and inflaming human airways. Read more

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The challenge is huge, but we are Undaunted – join us?
