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Challenge Identification Workshop – 2 – Better Futures Retrofit Accelerator

We’re thrilled to announce that we are hosting a Challenge Identification Workshop for the second cohort of the Better Futures Retrofit Accelerator on May 21, 2024! If you’re a potential adopter of retrofit climate innovation – a developer, local authority, constructor, designer, or energy consultant working on making a relevant impact in London’s built environment, you could get a chance to meet exciting businesses and hear live pitches. 

The Imperial College London-led Better Futures Retrofit Accelerator is designed to support startups achieve their goals of delivering low-carbon innovation within London’s built environment retrofit sector. 

Register for this workshop

If you would like to register your interest to participate, then please contact the team at 


  • 09.30 – Welcome & format of the day
  • 09.40 – Introduction to the programme
  • 09.45 – Intro session 1: Meet the cohort
  • 10.05 – Workshop session 1: Challenges & issues
  • 10.40 – Intro session 2: Meet the cohort
  • 11.00 – BREAK
  • 11.20 – Workshop session 2: What does success look like?
  • 11.55 – Intro session 3: Meet the cohort
  • 12.15 – Workshop session 3: Steps to success
  • 12.50 – Intro session 4: Meet the cohort
  • 13.10 – LUNCH & NETWORKING
  • 14.00 – Introduce themes for discussion this afternoon
  • 14.05 – Breakout discussions: Developing the working group themes
  • 14.45 – Open floor: Thoughts & reflections
  • 14.55 – Closing comments & next steps
  • 15.00 – CLOSE

The accelerator will support 20 climate tech SMEs to scale up by linking them up with industry stakeholders who can provide them with the benefit of their expertise, help identify and unblock some of the barriers to the adoption of their technologies and provide access to pilot projects to demonstrate their products and services. In addition, the accelerator provides selected SMEs with access to support from Imperial Enterprise such as R&D advice, internships and access to technical workspace at Advanced Hackspace. 

Follow updates of the programme on LinkedIn here

Powered by Imperial College London, via Undaunted and Enterprise, the Better Futures Retrofit Accelerator is part of the Greater London Authority’s Better Futures programme, co-funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. 




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Undaunted is a partnership between Imperial’s Grantham Institute – Climate Change and the Environment and The Royal Institution


Event details

Event date:
May 21, 2024
